Posco Fung Po Tso



Haslegrave Building

Loughborough University

I am Reader in Computer Networks and Systems in the Department of Computer Science at the Loughborough University. I am currently researching in the areas of network service composition and chaining, edge computing, stateful programmable data plane and network resource management.

My research has been mainly funded by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Innovate UK include:

  • IoDT2: Internet of Digital Twin Things, 05/2024-04/2027, €2,682.2K
  • 5G-IoTNet: Enabling Seamless Federation of 5G and IoT Networks, 04/2024-03/2025, £1,004,204
  • Serverless Edge Computing for 5G Edge Devices, 11/2022-05/2024, £499,223
  • IEoT: Intelligent Edge of Things, 07/2020-06/2022, £972,750
  • SYNC: Synergistic Network Policy Management for Cloud Data Centres, 4/2017-3/2018. http://www.sync-project.com, £100,786
  • Fruit: The Federated Raspberry Pi Micro-infrastructure Testbed, 1/2017-12/2018. £909,548

I am accepting self-funded PhD student applications (including CSC studentship). If you’re interested in doing a PhD with me, please get in touch!

selected publications

  1. IN3: A Framework for In-Network Computation of Neural Networks in the Programmable Data Plane
    Xiaoquan Zhang ,  Lin Cui ,  Fung Po Tso ,  Wenzhi Li ,  and  Weijia Jia
    IEEE Communications Magazine, 2024
  2. S-Cache: Function Caching for Serverless Edge Computing
    C Chen ,  L Nagel ,  L Cui ,  and  FP Tso
    In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking , May 2023
  3. OffsetINT: Achieving High Accuracy and Low Bandwidth for In-Band Network Telemetry
    M Qian ,  L Cui ,  FP Tso ,  Y Deng ,  and  W Jia
    IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, May 2024